Sunday, March 21, 2010


Today was so nice. Even though we weren't able to meet Liam today we really enjoyed Taiyuan. The sun was shining and the people are so friendly and smiling. We had lunch at a delicious lunch at an authentic Chinese restaurant. The entire menu is in Chinese characters and if it weren't for our translator Emma we never could have eaten there. It was the most delicious noodle dish I've ever eaten. That made me happy because the food here in the hotel is really not great. Our translator is a very sweet girl but not a Christian. Please pray for her. She's been asking many questions and Steve has spent hours talking theology with her. Pretty cool. 

We went to the Chinese Super-Market. That was really fun. I loved looking at all the different products there. Some of them are just like ours but others are so different. We took video but people get nervous when you're white and strange looking and you start taking pictures of things.. I might get more courage tomorrow and just do it anyway. It's a great experience. 

We finally get to meet Liam tomorrow at 10am. Please pray for him. I'm sure he's going to be scared. I am so excited that I'm having trouble thinking straight:) I'll post with pictures tomorrow as soon as we all settle in. Love you all! Jen

The pictures are of- Taiyuan from our hotel window, Steve and I at the Forbidden City, Me eating noodles, Steve and I at the Forbidden City, the Forbidden City, Steve, Sharon and I with Cathy the pearl dealer. 

Jennifer Hunt









  1. glad you finally got your noodles!!!! will be thinking of you tomorrow.

  2. i'm very excited for you three! i hope it all works out and you are with your new son Liam tomorrow. Our prayers are with you.

